Monday 25 February 2013

How do you know that Allah is the True God?

She is always being perfect. She complement me. And completes me.

We always talk about live our life with Islam. And argue over matters related to fiqh and ibadah. And as a spiritual needs, we always remind each other about the du'a and calm each other when we are in trouble.

Today she asked me two simple questions. Over Whatsapp.

"Why are you a Muslim?"

I get her question right in the first place and answer;

"Because Allah destined me to be one". And she didn't say anything after that. I guess that answer satisfies.

"What makes you believe that Allah is the true God? And other religion are not the truth?"

I paused for couple of minutes and couldn't answer her. Then I decided to drive home from office first and think of an answer along the way.

Reaching home, I still couldn't find out the answer. So I text her;

" I can feel that Allah is real. Because often I pray, I get what I want. Even though sometimes I didn't. And there's and evidence."

"What are the proof and evidences?"

"People who are sick were healed. And kejadian manusia itu sendiri. And look around us, everything that exist is a sign of kebesaran Allah."

"Ok. But it still doesn't answer. If a non believer ask you, he/she can say his/her God is the true God."

This is a very hard question. I am a Muslim since I was born and I perform solah everyday. I surrender myself to Allah, but I dont know how to tell others that Allah is the true God. I surrender, and I ask her back;

"I can't answer that. I'm that jahil. Why don't you answer?"

"Because God should and must be all perfect. He doesn't need anything or anyone. Nothing is like Him. And Allah is all that. The very first concept of Islam. The oneness of God. And the perfection of God. And all these other beliefs, can't be the truth. Because whatever they claim of their God tak perfect. How can God ada anak. How can God ada image. Dalam Quran ada cerita how Prophet Ibrahim As mencari tuhan. Surah Al-An'am."

Panjang lebar ulasannya. She does read a lot, way more than myself. I just realize that my Islam, my faith is at the edge of a cliff. Merely survive and there's a lot more act and supplements need to be done to pull me back from falling. Banyak lagi ilmu Allah yang aku perlu pelajari. Bukan sekadar nama ber bin kan ayahku orang Islam, aku perlu mendalami dan betul-betul faham apa itu Islam. Kalau tidak, apa makna solat dan ibadah, jika pegangan dan kefahaman masih goyah.

Aku betul-betul merasakan gadis ini mampu menyempurnakan hidupku. Dia punyai hampir semua ciri yang aku cari. Tapi persoalannya, bagaimana aku nak beritahu dia tentang diri aku ini :p

1 comment:

  1. Saya lahir sebagai islam.. tapi saya juga menetapkan islam saya adalah islam pilihan bukan islam keturunan.

    Saya jatuh cinta dengan islam sejak saya tahu bagaimana islam menyantuni manusia .. sifat2 Allah, taubat dan cara hidup , pegangan dan sebagainya.

    ermm kalau tak di lahirkan islam mungkin saya ni tak tahu apa2 tentang islam kot.. tapi lahir islam jadikan saya nak kenali agama.

    Allah tahu bagaimana nak bagi hidayah kepada hambanya2 kan.

    ermm wallahualam..

    p/s berkawan dengan muallaf di group fb kadang2 rasa ujian mereka terlalu berat.. Allah..

    ameen doa awak dengan dia.
