Wednesday 27 February 2013

A post from the clinic (Number 1)

I am currently at the clinic. To see the doctor for the first time. Its actually the second visit here and this time around I think they will assess my condition thoroughly. I am as healthy as a horse today so I don't see I'll be here long. Pray to Allah that there will be no surprise and unexpected problem.

Ya Allah Ya-Sami', permudahkan urusanku dan kekalkan kesihatanku.

While waiting I am reading Yasmin Mogahed's Reclaim Your Heart. And one of the most interesting paragraph I shall quote here;


For most people, the object of worship is something from this worldly life, dunya. Some people worship wealth, status, fame, and some worship their own intellect. Some even worship other people.

These object of worship are things to which we become attached. However an object of attachment is not just something that we love. It is something that we need, in the deepest sense of the world. It is something that if lost, cause absolute devastation. If there is anything-or anyone-other than God that we could never give up, then we have a false attachment. Why was Nabi Ibrahim was told to sacrifies his son? It was to free him from false attachment. Once he was free, his object of love was given back to him.


I tried to relate this to myself. What is my purpose of living? Before having this gift, I always look for wealth and happiness as my love, and it simply become an attachment. And because of that, it dragged me into a state where I almost forgot who we really are; His servant. And only after He gave me this I realize that we shall live to fulfill the purpose as a servant. Not attached to dunya. Yasmin describes it well, get yourself free from your needs, and build the love towards Him.

It is easier said than done. We are human. Insan means forgetting. Thus constant du'a and istighfar are necessary, with the reminder from people around us. InsyaAllah, He will make our path easy and keep our iman strong until He call us back one day.

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