Tuesday 30 April 2013

I love you guys

I opened up to another 3 person, the ones that is very important in my life. My friends. Whom I know will not throw me away, stand behind me instead.

She cried a lot. And I cant bear to see her crying like that. But I choose to swallow everything in and calm her down. Telling her that I am going to be ok. She get back her smile the next day.

And send me this. Thanks

And yesterday, I told another two. The two's that is soo close we share secrets and stories. In both loud and subtle way. The one I hugged on my Day 1. And they say it's not the end of everything. And they are there for me.

Before sleep that night, one of them send this.

"Promised. On everything. Turn yourself only to HIM, that's all that I ask from you. Good night =)"

You guys are everything for me. My strength. I dont know how can I survive without. And the one in UK is upset again at me last night, soo mad that I go out until midnight. He worries his heart out.

And she Chummy text me this morning; "Demit. Kn ak d ckp. Make sure ak around if you want to tell. Y dun hear me?"

I know I am a disappointment. I'm sorry. I love you guys.

Another two. Hurm.

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